Clinical Exercise Therapy

Clinical Exercise Therapy classes are conducted by all our physiotherapists onsite in our purpose built gym area. These classes focus on building core strength, improving posture, increasing overall body strength and flexibility, and rehabilitation from injuries. They contain exercises drawn from Pilates, functional strength and conditioning, yoga and physiotherapy rehabilitation principles. Exercises are modified to meet each individuals needs with a goal of managing injuries and chronic issues, preventing re-injury and to improve overall health and wellbeing. We also offer Men’s and bone density specific classes.

At Aspley Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Clinic, we’re dedicated to ensuring that our clients not only recover well from injuries and setbacks, but also enjoy optimal wellbeing and fitness. Part of this is providing classes and training aimed at building strength and flexibility. We offer regular Clinical Exercise Therapy classes for Northside locals looking for specialised training from a physiotherapist who knows how to take care of their unique exercise supervision needs. 

Booking in for classes at Aspley Physiotherapy is simple, and our classes are affordable even for casual attendees. For more information or to make a booking, please call our clinic on (07) 3263 5786. Our reception team will assist with your enquiry. 

What is Clinical Exercise Therapy?

Clinical Exercise Therapy is a form of physical exercise supervised and designed by a physiotherapist that focuses on posture, core stability, balance, control, strength, flexibility, and breathing. Our clinic offers classes as a component of rehabilitation and pain relief for Aspley and wider Brisbane clients. 

See our class timetable here 

Exercise is an extremely important part of rehabilitation and management of chronic conditions. This is based on literature that demonstrates strong evidence to support the use of therapeutic exercise in the management of patients with injuries, particularly low back pain. Recent research advocates the retraining of the deep stabilizing muscles for patients with low back pain. Clinical Exercise Therapy focuses on the retraining and recruitment of these stabilising muscles (core stability) as well as improving posture, strength and flexibility. 

Is it Pilates?

The Pilates Method was developed by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century in Germany. Although Pilates can be extremely beneficial for patients to help manage certain injuries, chronic conditions and for rehabilitation; it needs to be specific to the individual and not used as a generic tool for everyone. Clinical Exercise therapy run by a physiotherapist (as distinct to generic Pilates classes) uses elements drawn from pilates, combined with functional strength and conditioning and other rehabilitation principles. This ensures optimal gains whilst minimising the likelihood of injury aggravation. If you are interested in Clinical Exercise Therapy for your injury, it is essential to have a review with a physiotherapist to assess the suitability of a core stability program for you, and to examine how it can be incorporated as part of your overall pain relief physiotherapy plan. 

Exercise Principles

There are 6 basic principles that need to be applied to all exercises to ensure maximal benefit. 

These include: 

  1. Concentration: Focus on correct performance of each exercise and the specific muscles involved. 
  2. Centering: Focus on achieving neutral spine and activating the core stabilising muscles (pelvic floor and transversus abdominus) to support the lower back and pelvis.
  3. Control: Maintain optimal posture and control with all movements.
  4. Flowing Movement: Work smoothly and efficiently with all movements. 
  5. Precision: Perform each exercise with attention to detail to ensure correct technique.
  6. Breathing: Maintain relaxed, normal breathing throughout all exercises. Do not hold your breath. 

Benefits of Clinical Exercise Therapy

There are numerous benefits to be gained from exercise with a physiotherapist. 

Some of these include: 

  • Improved posture and core stability 
  • Increased muscular strength and flexibility 
  • Prevention of injuries 
  • Aiding rehabilitation 
  • Restoration of normal movement patterns 
  • Enhanced breathing control 
  • Increased co-ordination and muscular control 
  • Firmer and flatter stomach muscles 
  • Improved overall body tone and fitness 
  • Improved balance 

Clinical Exercise for Osteopenia/Osteoporosis

Aspley Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Clinic offers CLINICAL EXERCISE for OSTEOPENIA/OSTEOPOROSIS. Conducted individually or in small groups. 

See our class timetable here 

Regular physical activity and exercise is recognised as one of the most effective lifestyle strategies to maximise peak bone mass and to reduce the risk of fractures later in life. Regular weight-bearing exercises and progressive resistance training can increase bone density and prevent bone loss associated with menopause and ageing. High challenging balance and mobility training is also effective for improving balance, gait and co-ordination, which can reduce the risk of falling. In the UK and Australia, after 60 years of age, one in two women, and one in three men will suffer an osteoporotic fracture. (Osteoporosis, Australia) 

CLINICAL EXERCISE for Osteopenia/Osteoporosis focuses on exercises in standing, ie. weight-bearing, and emphasises the need for predominantly extension and functional movement. It incorporates the visual, vestibular and neuro-musculoskeletal systems. It avoids the compression forces on the vertebrae involved in forward flexion, side-bending and combined forward flexion-rotation used in traditional Pilates/yoga exercises. 

  • The classes are taught by a physiotherapist incorporating all the latest research. 
  • An assessment may be required prior to class entry to ascertain individual outcome measures and potential risk factors. 

Kids Classes

Ideal for anyone aged 8-12 wanting to improve their core and overall body strength, coordination, flexibility, and sports performance.


Our Kids Classes are designed by one of our expert physiotherapists to:

  • Build muscle tone and strength
  • Improve coordination and balance
  • Improve posture and body awareness
  • Help prevent injuries common in children’s sport
  • Rehabilitate from injuries and growth related conditions
  • Assist with reducing growing related pain by improving flexibility

Our Kids Class is currently not running, however you can register your interest with our Reception Team on 3263 5786.

Our Clinical Exercise Therapists

All of our Physiotherapists are specialists in Clinical Exercise Therapy